Fun With the Family!


This summer, my family ventured to the beautiful Lake Tahoe! We spent some great quality time together, and my brother captured this photo just as the sun was descending below the mountains. This is one of my favorite pictures from the trip, and it reminds me of all of the vibrant sunsets I was fortunate enough to witness! I look forward to going to Lake Tahoe in the future!

Passed Away


My Aunt Lorraine passed away this summer. She was fighter of breast cancer, and lived 18 years past the time the doctors predicted. She was truly a hero who inspired me to be strong. Aunt Lorraine was always very thoughtful with her presents, and bought me these bracelets just a week before she passed away. Unfortunately, she did not get the chance to give me those bracelets, but they will always have great significance to me. They symbolize her strength and simply her bubbly, loving, and caring essence.

Parent Interview

I interviewed my dad about his grandfather. Unfortunately, I was not alive to meet my great-grandfather, but my dad told me some hilarious stories about him!

First of all, I asked what he remembers most about his grandfather. My dad responded by saying he was a police officer, so he was very intimidating. Even though he was a very loving grandfather, he was never afraid to speak his mind.

Next, I wanted to know his favorite memory with his grandfather. He replied that his grandpa was a big gambler in Vegas. Therefore, he once brought my dad on one of his private jets the casino would offer him. My dad had never been on a private jet before, and it was definitely more enjoyable having his grandpa by his side!

Finally, I was curious as to what his least favorite memory was. My dad explained that when he did not finish his cereal bowl, my grandpa refused to let him leave the table until he finished.

Overall, it was very enjoyable learning new information about my great-grandfather. Also, in 1920, women were given the right to vote. This was during my great-grandfather’s lifetime.

i-voted-stickerI found this on

Calendar Widget

I added a widget of a calendar. I always find it helpful to have the calendar, since I always seem to forget the date! It is especially annoying when I wrote the wrong date on all of my school papers, and then do not find out until the end of the day! If this is a problem for me, then there is a likely chance it might be a problem for others. Therefore, I added it as a widget.

What I Learned About Images

My knowledge with using images on my blog has grown since doing the Week 3 activities. I learned all about copy write with images, and that every image on the internet is not necessarily yours to copy and paste! Also, I learned to be careful with the images I put on my blog, and make sure the image is relevant to my caption. Overall, I have learned much more with images!

49er’s Stadium


I absolutely love football! Over the summer, I went to San Francisco with my brothers. We are all large 49er fans and fans of most teams in the Bay Area( Northern California). My entire family is from the Bay Area, and I would love to live in San Francisco when I grow up! The 49er’s just opened their new stadium a year ago, and it is called Levi’s stadium. This stadium is enormous, and we even got a private tour! This was undeniably one of the best days of my summer!