Halloween Wallpaper

In spirit of Halloween and the Week 4 Activity 1 task, I added a Halloween wallpaper to my background! This wallpaper contains ghosts, spiders, bats, and bones! I wanted to decorate my blog in a simple yet spirited way. I found this wallpaper on http://funmozar.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Happy-Halloween-Wallpaper-21.jpg.

Halloween Story

Once upon a time, there was an odd man named Darwin who lived in a small town. Everyone knew he was out of the ordinary, but little did they know his deepest secrets. He always seemed to act funny when people walked past him, trying to avoid their presence. There was something strange about his appearance, for he was always quite pale and his image was somewhat fuzzy or unclear. One night, a towns person was walking home behind Darwin, without Darwin’s knowledge. Then, the most peculiar thing happened. Darwin walked right into his apartment without opening any doors, for he simply walked right through the door. Darwin was a ghost!

How I Celebrate Halloween

I absolutely love Halloween! I always go trick-or-treating with all of my friends and we get an abundance of candy! My dad loves to join me, and we always have a fantastic time! By far, my favorite candy are Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, for I am obsessed with the combination of creamy peanut butter and smooth chocolate! This past year, I was a lion for Halloween, and I usually try to be clever with my costume! One year, I made my own M&M costume! Overall, Halloween is such an amazing night that I look forward to every year!

Google Form

For Week 4 Activity 4, I made a google form! This poll is about which activity everyone liked the most! Here is the link: <iframesrc=”https://docs.google.com/a/student.lvusd.org/forms/d/11Q5HPcsr3FspfYX4QNmwKV_DL82YXQpU-8tR9Lkci2I/viewform?embedded=true” width=”760″ height=”500″ frameborder=”0″ marginheight=”0″ marginwidth=”0″>Loading…</iframe>. I hope you all fill out the poll!