Most Common Foods in America

Apple Pie

Apple pie is very popular all around the country ever since the Pilgrims came and made it. This scrumptious desert is filled with apples. surrounded by a smooth but crumbly bread crust. This pie started during the Pilgrims because they had an abundance of apples and made this delicious treat to fill their hungry stomachs! I love apple pie, especially after Thanksgiving dinner. I found this image on and learned about apple pies on

My Lunch

My favorite foods are quinoa and lentils. Therefore, I always have a combination of my two favorite foods in my lunch! Also, I love to eat bars, so I usually pack in a Cliff Bar. Finally, I like to have some sort of fruit or vegetables, usually being strawberries or blueberries. All in all, lunch is a delicious meal that I love to eat!

Food Survey

Here is a link to my food survey. Please take the time to fill it out and let me know what you think in the comments!<iframe src=”” width=”760″ height=”500″ frameborder=”0″ marginheight=”0″ marginwidth=”0″>.


Commenting with People Around the World

I visited many blogs from people around the world, and commented on their All About Me’s. I thought it was so interesting learning about the different countries and daily life.

First of all, I commented on Victoria’s Blog, and she is from Australia. The link is Here is what I commented:

My name is Lauren and I am from America, but I have always wanted to go to Australia! You seem like a really interesting person after reading your All About Me, but what is a budgie?

Next, I visited Abbie from Canada. The link is Here is what I commented:

Hi Abbie! My name is Lauren and I live in the U.S.A, but I have traveled to Canada numerous times! I remember thinking Canada was absolutely beautiful! What is your favorite part about living in Canada?

Then, I commented on Georgie’s blog, who is also from Australia. Her link is and this is my comment:

Georgiana, my name is Lauren and I live in the United States. I was reading your All About Me and we actually have a lot in common! I love Taylor Swift, and some of my favorite colors are also blue, green and aqua! Visit my blog sometime!

Also, I went to Penelope’s blog, who also lives in Australia! (I noticed that many people live in Canada or Australia.) Her link is and here is my comment:

Penelope, my name is Lauren and I am from the United States. Your blog is absolutely incredible! We actually have a lot in common because I also love swimming and spending time in nature. If I lived in beautiful Australia, I would probably want to be outdoors all day! What is your favorite part about living in Australia?

Finally, I visited Claudia’s blog who is once again, from Australia. Her link is and this is what I commented:

Claudia, my name is Lauren and I am from the U.S.A. You seem very busy during the week, but you said you liked animals. What is your favorite animal?