Parent Interview

I interviewed my dad about his grandfather. Unfortunately, I was not alive to meet my great-grandfather, but my dad told me some hilarious stories about him!

First of all, I asked what he remembers most about his grandfather. My dad responded by saying he was a police officer, so he was very intimidating. Even though he was a very loving grandfather, he was never afraid to speak his mind.

Next, I wanted to know his favorite memory with his grandfather. He replied that his grandpa was a big gambler in Vegas. Therefore, he once brought my dad on one of his private jets the casino would offer him. My dad had never been on a private jet before, and it was definitely more enjoyable having his grandpa by his side!

Finally, I was curious as to what his least favorite memory was. My dad explained that when he did not finish his cereal bowl, my grandpa refused to let him leave the table until he finished.

Overall, it was very enjoyable learning new information about my great-grandfather. Also, in 1920, women were given the right to vote. This was during my great-grandfather’s lifetime.

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